UK: Negro with “French Accent” Wanted for Raping Woman on Manchester Street

Lock your doors, Mancs.

There’s a randy Frenchman on the loose, and he doesn’t take “non” for an answer!

Manchester Evening News:

Police are appealing for help to identify a man after a young woman was raped in Manchester during a terrifying early morning attack.

The horrific incident happened at around 6.30am on Sunday as the victim was walking along Liverpool Road and onto Water Street.

The attacker grabbed the young woman as she walked past and then raped her.

He was last seen walking up Liverpool Road before police were called.

Investigating officers are now hoping that the public can help identify the man or provide information which can help with enquiries.

Police would also like to hear from the taxi driver who originally helped the woman after the attack.

The attacker is described as black, mid-to-late 20s, around 5ft 10, of slim build with shoulder length dreadlocks – his hair is further described as parted far on one side and swept over his head.

It is believed he was wearing a thick black waist length coat, dark grey jogging bottoms and a dark top underneath.

It is believed the man had a French accent.