UK: New Algerian Immigrant Arrested for Serial Rape

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2015

This guy is like the Led Zeppelin of rape
This guy is like the Led Zeppelin of rape

This guy got off the plane ready to paaaaaaarty!

It’s almost as if these people are all sitting in their own countries planning to get into Europe for the express purpose of raping non-Moslem women.

But we know this guy was only escaping the brutal civil war in Algeria.

Police have blurred the face to protect the innocence of this serial rapist.
Police have blurred the face to protect the innocence of this serial rapist.

Daily Mail:

An Algerian national carried out a wave of sex attacks on young women within months of arriving in the country, a court heard today.

Mehdi Midani, 27, allegedly committed six sexual assaults and two offences of exposure during a ten-day period in south London.

Slick move – props to Muhammed (PBUH)

“If you don’t think you can straight-up rape a bitch, you should play it cool and just whip out your dick and start jacking-off at her.” -Koran Surah 3

He was arrested on Monday evening by detectives investigating a series of ‘linked’ sexual assaults in the Clapham and Brixton areas of south London.

Midani appeared at Camberwell Green Magistrates’ Court today via videolink from custody and his words were translated through an Arabic interpreter in court.

Prosecutor Charlotte Chirico told the court Midani is accused of eight offences against lone females between 22 and 31 October.

She said: ‘He’s only been in the UK for a few months’.

The suspect was wearing a grey T-shirt and tracksuit bottoms and sat with his arms folded throughout the hearing.

The bearded defendant spoke to confirm his name and date of birth and told the court he had no address.

Midani is accused of carrying out a sexual assault on 22 October in Brixton at around 9pm.

He is said to have struck twice within an hour on October 26 in Brixton Hill and Clapham before exposing himself to another alleged victim the same night. The following night he allegedly exposed himself to another woman.

It is claimed he attacked another two victims on 28 October and committed a further assault on 31 October.

Police said all the alleged victims were white women in their twenties or thirties who were walking home alone after dark.

Three of the incidents – two of the assaults and one exposure – were on the same evening within just two hours of each other.

Midani gave no indication of pleas during today’s brief hearing.

This is why I’ve told you people that we need to ban the song Hungry “Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran.

This has become an anthem for Islamic rape gangs.

It sets these people off, and virtually every cafe in London is playing it 60 times a day because Duran Duran is the only famous musical group the British have ever produced. I know Brits are really proud of the only Billboard hit they ever produced, but is it really worth the rape toll?

Another thing we can do to help these unfortunates flooding the country because their own countries are poor and they need welfare is teach them that it is bad to rape. Most of them don’t know they aren’t supposed to do it.

Related: Leaked Immigrant Rape Class Final Exam
