Daily Slave
August 4, 2014

The United Kingdom ,which has been turned into a psychotic Marxist wonderland through Jewish propaganda, will now be financing sperm banks for lesbian couples. This is of course insane.
A child should be raised by a mother and a father, not a couple of women suffering from a mental disorder. Putting a child in this situation should be considered child abuse. The fact that this is being sanctioned by the government’s NHS is ridiculous.
From Daily Mail:
Britain is to get its first NHS-funded national sperm bank to make it easier for lesbian couples and single women to have children.
For as little as £300 – less than half the cost of the service at a private clinic – they will be able to search an online database and choose an anonymous donor on the basis of his ethnicity, height, profession and even hobbies.
The bank, which is due to open in October, will then send out that donor’s sperm to a clinic of the client’s choice for use in trying for a baby.