Daily Slave
April 18, 2015

I am over in Europe right now and was curious to see what sort of rubbish they were putting on the news. A few days back, I discovered that the BBC was broadcasting the UK general election debate which featured Nigel Farage representing UKIP, the Jew Ed Miliband representing Labour and three ridiculously stupid women who I’ve never previously heard of.
Farage was literally the only sane person on the stage endorsing a soft nationalism for the United Kingdom. He talked about withdrawing the UK from the EU, drastically reducing immigration numbers while offering other proposals which appeared to be basic common sense. At one point he even mocked the idiotic audience resulting in jeers and boos. The main criticism I have of Farage is that he doesn’t go nearly far enough. Great Britain is over run with Moslems and other undesirables. This situation calls for a great fundamental change. There should be mass deportations of as many brown people as possible.
The Jew Ed Miliband promoted all sorts of insane Marxist and pro-Jew policies. He acted as if Farage was some sort of evil person for suggesting that the UK should be self-governing and that they need to curb immigration. I can’t believe people in Britain actually support this Jew parasite. He looks like a demon for god sakes.
The same went for the three idiot women who were on stage. Although I expected the Green Party candidate to be full blown Marxist, it was interesting to see the Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon promote similar types of policies. Even though the SNP is supposedly for Scottish independence from the UK, Sturgeon said she would support Scotland becoming a member of NATO. It just shows that the SNP is a fake nationalist group that doesn’t want any sort of real independence. It is a total joke. She also made emotionally charged arguments on the immigration issue and how it would basically be mean to not let huge numbers of foreigners into the country.
After watching this debate, it is hard to be optimistic about British politics. Neither the Jew or any of the women who participated in the debate are going to restore Britain. The situation seems to resemble the political environment in Germany during the 1920s prior to the National Socialists coming to power. Several political parties quarreling with each other and no guiding direction for the country. It once again shows that these so-called democracies are only fronts for Jewish plundering.