UK: Nog Arrested for Vibrantly Enriching London with Acid Attacks

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2018

Derryck John.

This is England’s strength, and without that strength Sweden will not survive.


A 17-year-old boy has been jailed for 10 and a half years for attacking six moped riders with acid while trying to steal their bikes.

Derryck John, from Croydon, previously admitted carrying out the attacks in the north and east of London on 13 July last year.

He sprayed the riders in the face with a noxious liquid, stole two mopeds and attempted to take another four.

One of the victims was left with “life-changing injuries”, police said.

Judge Noel Lucas QC described John’s “grave crimes” against members of the public as “despicable and cowardly”.