Daily Mail
May 15, 2014

Police have risked breaking equality laws by tipping off ethnic minority candidates about the rare chance to become a PC.
An email was sent to 57 non-whites letting them know that 20 posts in the Nottinghamshire force were up for grabs that day.
Only the first 75 applications were accepted and a third were sent in by black and ethnic minority candidates within hours of their being given advance notice of the recruitment drive in Nottinghamshire in March.
Although the new PC jobs were posted on the force’s website, they were not advertised publicly and so many hopefuls – including volunteers and civilian staff waiting to join the front line – missed the chance to apply.
Senior officers insist the email and employment window were legitimate ways of increasing diversity. But critics say the tactics risked breaking the law by discriminating against whites.
Steps to improve equality in the workplace, known as positive action, is legal and encouraged by Labour’s 2010 Equality Act. But positive discrimination – giving a minority group preferential treatment – is illegal.