UK: Non-White Fights Deportation After Drugging Schoolgirl and Raping Her While Unconscious

May 2, 2014

Plied with vodka and raped while unconscious.

An Asian man jailed for raping an unconscious 16-year-old girl he had plied with vodka is fighting deportation, claiming it would breach his human rights.

Mohammed Hasan, 47, is free after serving half of a six-year term. He is a risk to teenage girls and the Home Office wants to return him to Bangladesh.

But he told an appeal his wife would not go with him as she wanted their children to grow up in England.

He said: ”I don’t want to go. I like my peaceful life.”

The tribunal in Bradford heard Hasan, of Scarborough, North Yorks, raped the girl in his car before dumping her “like a piece of meat” on the pavement. The tribunal judgement was reserved.


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