UK: Non-White Killer of White Headmaster to be Released Within Days of Latest Teacher Slaying

Daily Mail
May 4, 2014

Ann Maguire was stabbed to death this week in an unsettling repeat of the killing of a head teacher 18 years ago. The race of her killer has yet to be confirmed.

The killer of headmaster Philip Lawrence will be back on the streets within days after the Parole Board signed off his release from prison, the Daily Mail can reveal.

The decision to release Learco Chindamo will provoke horror and come only days after the murderous attack on teacher Ann Maguire in front of her pupils on Monday.

Chindamo was jailed indefinitely for knifing to death Mr Lawrence, a father of four, 18 years ago outside St George’s Roman Catholic School in north west London in 1995. The teacher went to help a 13-year-old pupil who was being assaulted.

The former gang member was ordered to serve at least 12 years, but released in July 2010 after claiming he was a reformed character.

Philip Lawrence was stabbed to death outside his school by a Non-White when he went to help one of his pupils who was being assaulted.

He was returned to jail only months later for breaching the terms of his Parole. He has remained in prison since but today the Parole Board approved his release once again.

The murder of Mr Lawrence, a 48-year-old father of four, shocked the nation in the same way as Mrs Maguire’s stabbing on Monday.

He was knifed to death outside St George’s Roman Catholic School in north-west London in 1995 when he went to help a 13-year-old pupil who was being assaulted.

A spokesman for the Parole Board said: ‘We can confirm that a three member panel of the Board has directed the release of Learco Chindamo.

Learco Chindamo was given a life sentence for knifing him, but was let out of prison in 2010. He broke his parole straight away and was locked up again, but is now going to be freed again.

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