UK: Non-White Scoundrel Punches White Wheelchair Woman in the Face Twice

Daily Stormer
July 5, 2014


The Non-White coward angrily punched the disabled woman in the face twice, when he was unable to steal her handbag from off the back of the wheelchair.

Manchester Evening News:

A woman in a wheelchair was punched twice in the face during an attempted mugging.

Police branded her attacker ‘the lowest of the low – a coward and a scoundrel’.

The thug approached the woman, 55, in Long Street near the junction of Durnford Street, Middleton on Wednesday evening and made a grab for her handbag, which was attached to the wheelchair.

When he failed to snatch the bag, he punched the victim twice in the head.

He ran off towards the town centre after someone who was standing outside the nearby Olde Boar’s Head pub shouted at him.

Despite all the crimes committed by Non-Whites, Police still dont seem to understand that these creatures dont need to have a reason to act the way they do, it just comes naturally to them.

The witness left the area in a taxi before the police arrived.

The attacker had olive skin, was in his late 30s or early 40s and stocky.

He was wearing a black top with the hood pulled up and black jeans.

Det Con Mark Green said: “This individual really is the lowest of the low. He is a coward and a scoundrel.

“To deliberately target and strike a person in a wheelchair is beyond comprehension for anyone with a moral compass.

“Were you in the area and do you have information about the offender? If so please call us.”

Anyone with information can call police on 0161 856 8701, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

The attack took place near the junction of Durnford Street, Middleton.