UK: Non-White Tramp Found Guilty of Murder of White Man in Hostel

East London Advertiser
June 13, 2014

Gary Brisco was stabbed multiple times while staying at a hostel.

Mehretab Zemicael, 43, was found guilty at the Old Bailey on February 19 of murdering Gary Brisco, 42, of Code Street near Brick Lane last year.

Zemicael was given a life sentence today with a minimum term of 15 years.

Mr Brisco’s mother welcomed the sentence, saying “justice has been achieved”.

Police were called by the London Ambulance Service at 5:30pm on June 22 after Mr Brosco was found dead in his room in the hostel in Code Street.

He had suffered multiple knife wounds, including serious stab injuries to his neck, and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Zemicael was identified as a suspect straight away and Police launched a manhunt and a public appeal.

He was traced by detectives to a location in Southwark and arrested on July 9 having slept rough since fleeing the hostel. Police charged with the murder the next day.

Gary’s mother with his son, Gary junior.

Detective Inspector Andrew Kelly, of the Homicide and Major Crime Command, said: “I am pleased with the sentence that has been handed down today and Zemicael will now serve a significant number of years behind bars.

“Gary’s mother has been present at court throughout the trial and has had to hear the harrowing details of how her son murdered.

“I hope that today’s sentence now provides her with some solace.”

Mehretab Zemicael, an Eritrean national, was also staying at the hostel. He was arrested while sleeping rough, after fleeing from the murder.

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