UK: Notorious Hate-Monger and Alt-Right Activist Sargon of Akkad Attacked by Antifa

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 6, 2018

As many of you may know, Sargon of Akkad is a die-hard neo-Nazi White Supremacist who has been promoting the Alt-Right for years now on Youtube.

He decided to hold a Hate Session at King’s College recently that got attacked by Antifa.


Anti-fascist protesters stormed an event by an ‘alt-right’ speaker at King’s College London, Monday night.

Demonstrators wreaked havoc, successfully stopping the talk while scuffles broke out and windows were reportedly smashed.

Dramatic footage shows the moment the left-wing group stormed a lecture theater packed for a speech by Carl Benjamin. Benjamin, who goes online by the moniker of ‘Sargon of Akkad’, has been described by various outlets as a member of the so-called ‘alt-right’, a movement known for its white-supremacist views.

The protesters grabbed the speakers’ microphones before smashing windows and leaving threatening notes to the organizers, the Daily Mail reports. Videos also shows the protesters chanting “no fascism on campus,” as alarms rang out in the background.

His followers fought Antifa back – quite successfully I might add. These are some good brawlers.

I think this means that Sargon’s Liberalists are now officially a Hate Group. All jokes aside, this should be a wake-up call for Sargon. In the ethnostate, no one will harass you for doing your Liberalist shtick.

But as the situation stands now, you’re basically a White Supremacist. Don’t believe me? Check it, m8.

So congrats on the conversion, Sargon. Glad to have you onboard.

I understand that you think that claiming to be a Liberalist will save you from the treatment that the Alt-Right gets, and helps you feel like the Big Fish in a small pond, but c’mon dude. Enough is enough.

You can’t be a Liberalist in a society where Antifa and non-Whites are becoming a majority.

You didn’t believe us at first. But now you have the proof. Now you know why the Alt-Right is as “radical” as it is. Now you know why we say what we say.

Think of this as a learning experience, Sargon. And welcome to the Alt-Right.