UK: Novelty Holohoax Medals Awarded to Biggest Fibbers in Lampshade Land

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2015

The special novelty medal struck for a foreign people that never even fought for Britain during the war.

A special medal has been struck in Britain to ensure that Jews continue to tell their tall tales about the holohoax, The Daily Mail reports.

The novelty medals were the brain child of Chancellor George Osborne and Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, who think it vital that Jews keep ‘retelling’ the same old story of lampshades and bug-spray.

The first run of medals were awarded to ‘survivors’ of the German holiday camps in Downing Street last night, while the rest are expected to be flogged to gullible goyim on the Royal Mint’s website.

Among the story-tellers being honoured for their fables were Gena Turgel, who miraculously survived a trip to the holy gas chamber and Ben Helfgott, whose health magically returned to him after the war enabling him to become a champion weight-lifter.

Chancellor George Osborne and the holohoaxers, with Karen Pollock (centre right) chief brainwasher of children, who presented the novelty medals in Downing Street to (left to right) Harry Spiro, Gena Turgel (seated), Zigi Shipper, Mala Tribich, Ben Helfgott and Hannah Lewis.

Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust and responsible for forcing trips to the Aushwitz film set into the school curriculum, said “We are delighted that the Chancellor has announced the commissioning of a special commemorative medal to mark 70 years since the end of the Holocaust. This will mean a great deal to the Holocaust survivors who rebuilt their lives in Britain after losing their homes, families and communities at the hands of the Nazis. The commemorative medal is a perfect tribute for this significant anniversary year.”

What she really means is “This is a great way to ensure the holohoax is continually mentioned and will help to ensure that the Jews retain their exalted position as premier victims.”

Brian Pickles, the communities secretary inadvertently pointed out another reason for the continued promotion of the holohoax when he said “But there is only one way to avoid such monstrosities again – through constant vigilance for the first signs of intolerance.”

Thus pointing out that anyone not happy with immigration, the gay agenda, pornography or anything else the government promotes are just one step away from firing up the ovens.
