UK: Over 1000 Arrested for Anti-Stabbing Protests, Many Already Sentenced

Some dude got over 3 years in jail just for posting on Facebook

There are two kinds of people in this world: pro-stabbers and anti-stabbers.

Anti-stabbers are a threat to who we are in a democracy. They are funded by the Russians. They want to destroy our values in order to promote chaos.

Pro-stabbers are the first and last line of defense against anti-stabbers.


British authorities have now arrested more than 1,000 people following days of rioting involving violence, arson and looting as well as racist attacks targeting Muslims and migrants, a national policing body said on Tuesday.

The riots, which followed the killings of three young girls in the northern English town of Southport, began after the July 29 attack was wrongly blamed on an Islamist migrant based on online misinformation.

But it was an invader. From Rwanda.

It was not a British person.

Violence broke out in cities across England and also in Northern Ireland, but there have been fewer instances of unrest since last week after efforts to identify those involved were ramped up.

Many have been swiftly jailed, with some receiving long sentences

The National Police Chiefs’ Council said in its latest update that 1,024 had been arrested and 575 charged across the UK.

Those arrested include a 69-year-old accused of vandalism in Liverpool and a 11-year-old boy in Belfast.

A 13-year-old girl pleaded guilty to violent disorder at Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court, prosecutors said, having been seen on July 31 punching and kicking the entrance to a hotel for asylum seekers.

Most of the protesters are adult men. I wonder why Reuters mentions the old people and the kids?

You would think this would imply “the whole society is against this immigration thing.”

Maybe that’s what they intend to imply?

That British society is rotted to the core?