UK: Paki Gang on Trial for Abusing Girls in Children’s Care Home

More prolefeed for the restless goyim.

Gotta make them believe that something is being done, right?


An alleged grooming gang accused of abusing underage girls in a children’s care home is on trial in Bradford, England.

Prosecutor Kama Melly QC accused the men of having “exploited and manipulated” the two alleged victims in 2008, when they were aged 14, “in a variety of ways, taking advantage of their youth and the situation [the girls] found themselves in, both just entering care and in really difficult circumstances,” the BBC reports.

“Some of the defendants were actually forceful, threatening and violent, others used alcohol and drugs, others created a manipulated relationship in order to facilitate their sexual exploitation,” she added.

“But all defendants, say the Crown, engaged in cynical and manipulative behaviour in order to achieve their objective of sexual activity with [the girls].”

The trial continues.