UK: Paki Gets 11 Years for Filming Himself Raping a Woman

Aziz Khan.

Prisons in the UK are just giant concrete mosques anyway, so I doubt this curry haji has much to worry about.


A Stoke-on-Trent man who filmed himself raping a woman has been jailed.

The city’s crown court was told 22-year-old Aziz Khan, of Heron Street, Heron Cross, raped the woman in April 2017 and sent a 10-second Snapchat video of the attack to friends of the victim.

He pleaded guilty to rape and disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress last Thursday (7 March).

He was sentenced today (12 March) for 11 years and two months.

Khan will also be placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life.