UK: Paki Rape Gangs Strike Again

Daily Stormer
June 18, 2016

When will these damn White males stop with these rapes?

Sometimes, you gotta break a few teen girls to make a Paki omelet. Only a racist would suggest the sacrifice isn’t worth it, however.


Fifteen men who “systematically” groomed and sexually abused teenage girls in Halifax have been jailed.

They were convicted of child sex offences including rape, grooming and trafficking during three separate trials at Leeds Crown Court.

Prosecutors praised the “immense courage and bravery” of the two victims who gave evidence against the men.

The longest sentence passed was 25 years in what was described as a “complex and lengthy operation”.


British vacation home for the criminally inclined. Is this punishment enough for Paki rapists?

Good news, Brits: you’ll now get to pay the food and lodging of these animals with your own tax money. For 25 years. For those who aren’t good at counting, that’s at least 15 million dollars.

Why not just send them back to whatever rat hole they came from instead? Plane tickets would be a lot cheaper. And also, in 25 years when they get out, they’ll just rape some more girls anyway. This is total insanity.

As long as there’s these filthy Hajis in our base, we can expect regular bouts of this “ficki ficki” business. There is absolutely only one solution here.


Another unsurprising element here, is that of course the British media is mostly ignoring this story. The BBC reported on it, but it’s buried in the regional news section where most people won’t see it. We could only cover this story because it was brought to our attention by other members of the alt-right.

Let us never forget that for all the harm these terrorists are doing to us, they are only empowered to do it through the complicit media and state apparatus, which are completely Jewed to the core.

This is why it’s so important for us to have our own media outlets. We’re doing well. But we must expand, until every event like this produces a deafening roar of coverage everywhere and the deceiving kikes can no longer mold the people’s perception of reality.