UK: Paki Sentenced to 16 Years for Raping Elderly Dementia Patient

Himwanth Ramkishun.

I find this incredibly shocking.

No, not the part about the Paki raping someone. That’s about as shocking as the sun rising in the east tomorrow.

I’m just shocked that he got punished for it.


A laundryman who raped a dementia sufferer in her bed at a care home was caught when he left the used condom behind in her bed.

Himwanth Ramkishun, 54, exploited his job to abuse the defenceless 76-year-old in June last year.

But he was caught when he left behind a condom in her bed and his DNA was found inside.

Ramkishun attempted to make up a story to cover his guilt but was convicted in less than an hour after a four-day trial at Plymouth crown court.

A judge branded him evil and handed the 54-year-old a 16-year prison sentence.

Recorder Donald Tait said the offence was ‘every family’s nightmare’.

Ramkishun, of Victoria Road in Plymouth, Devon, claimed he had accidentally picked up the condom after it had been recovered and then shook it – in a desperate bid to explain away the DNA.

He also planted two condoms in pockets of other members of staff and pulled out another from the clean laundry in an attempt to confuse any investigation.