UK: Paki Tries to Hijack Yellow Vests Donned by Right-Wing Mob Angry Over “Migrant” Mud Flood!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2019

It’s confusing in Britain… because there the police wear safety jackets.

This, like everything in Britain, is a complete and total mess.

Of course some greasy Paki would try to hijack the symbol of the yellow vest.


The Yellow Vests ceased to be a uniquely French phenomenon after British protesters started donning the distinctive high-visibility jackets to make their own (very different) points. In the UK, an array of left-wing movements vowed to use the yellow vest during their protests in favor of bringing down the Tory government and abandoning austerity.

Right-wing activists, some of whom belong to hardcore far-right groups like the English Defence League, are also trying to capitalize on the iconic vests. They vent their anger at the Brexit deal stalemate, heckle politicians, and harass Muslim believers both online and offline. Such groups “who are trying to use anger and mobilize it against refugees and migrants and ethnic minorities are not welcomed in our demonstrations,” said Shabbir Lakha, spokesman for the anti-austerity People’s Assembly.

How absurd is it that these people are not only in our countries but are now running our political systems?

Shabbir Lakha

What an absolute disaster.

The leader of the right side of the protest was just arrested ahead of today’s protest.

For yelling at some bitch.

The Telegraph:

James Goddard, one of the leading members of the so-called ‘Yellow Vests’ protesters, has been arrested in connection with a Conservative MP being abused six days ago.

The 29-year-old man from Anstey, Leicester, was detained by police outside St James’ Park underground station in London on Saturday as demonstrators arrived for a rally.

His supporters, marching in London to demand Britain leaves the European Union, claimed he was due to hand himself in at a police station in the capital. It is understood he has been arrested in connection with abuse the Conservative MP Anna Soubry received on Monday outside the House of Commons.

A statement by the Metropolitan Police said: “A man in his 30’s has been arrested in central London on suspicion of public order offences committed on 7 January. He remains in custody.”

Mr Goddard had declared today a day of action with protests planned in a number of cities around the country.

Mr Goddard’s Facebook and PayPal account have been suspended after some of his comments were found to have breached their policies.

lol of course.

“Right then, I spose we ought right shut the lad down then, eh?”

You know you’re doing something right if all your internet service are shut down and then you’re arrested, let me tell you what.

There is potential here for sure.

They just gotta keep the Pakis away from their vests.

Not Left or Right, White Populist

People are trying to claim that the British version is different because it is right-wing and the French are left-wing. But the French aren’t actually left-wing in the sense that this is internationally defined, the French are just compulsively socialist in nature, so everyone is left-wing.

Even if you’re just talking about economics though, they were protesting a tax, which is a right-wing issue.

But the French Yellow Vests are against immigration as well.

The issue is “populism.” People can make whatever decisions they want about economics, no one cares about that. The problem is an out of control disconnected ruling class forcing various things down on the people of white countries.

The Yellow Vest is a good symbol of this. And the British shouldn’t let the Pakis take it.