UK: Pakistani Police Officer in £1M Data Gathering Conspiracy

Daily Mail
January 9, 2014

The jury heard Hanif, here leaving court with her solicitor, set up three companies with her co-accused to pressurise victims into claiming compensation
The jury heard Police Officer Hanif, here leaving court with her solicitor, set up three companies with her co-accused to pressurise victims into claiming compensation.

A police officer, her lover and his wife stole thousands of road crash victims’ details from her force computer and sold them to injury lawyers in a conspiracy that could have been worth £1million, a court heard.

Former constable Sugra Hanif, 27, allegedly downloaded the personal files of people involved in accidents before pressurising them into claiming compensation so she could claim £800 referral fees from solicitors.

Hanif was having an affair with co-accused Raza Khan, also 27, for eight months of the 11-month scheme – but ended it when they were arrested after an anonymous tip-off, prosecutors claim.

The jury at Winchester Crown Court heard the lovers, with Khan’s wife, Paramjeet Kaur, 26, set up three companies in April 2011 before selling a total of 2,456 unique reference numbers for £26,400 to various firms.

Peter Asteris, prosecuting, said: ‘If all of the data stolen had been converted into referral fees, if they had kept going, the value of those referral fees would have been worth over £1 million.

. Raza Khan, 27, and his wife Paramjeet Kaur, 26, are also accused of conspiring to get up to £1million in solicitor referral fees.
Hanif was having an affair with Raza Khan, who brought his wife Paramjeet Kaur in on the conspiracy. They were hoping to get up to £1million in solicitor referral fees.

‘Every day, tens of thousands of police officers go out there and perform their duties sometimes at not inconsiderable risk to themselves, and they do so as we would expect them to, with duty, responsibility and integrity.

‘Integrity, honesty and duty are really what this case is all about. One of these defendants, Sugra Hanif, was a serving police officer with Thames Valley Police.

‘The Crown’s case against her is that she doesn’t have integrity, she didn’t fulfil her duties to us, the public, in the way she ought and she abused her position and she abused it with the assistance of the other two defendants in the dock.

‘All three of them have been involved in a conspiracy to obtain confidential police information.’

He continued: ‘She had accessed, I am going to suggest, a staggering 2,456 URNs, different incidents, on the computer and almost all of them had no connection with her duties, no connection with her responsibilities as an investigating officer.

‘The Crown says she was abusing that system and stealing 2,500 people’s details from that computer system. She had on almost every case no valid reason for doing so whatsoever.

‘We say it was nothing short of a deliberate and cynical abuse of the privilege she had been given by having access to that system in the first place.’

All three defendants deny the charges.

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