UK: Pathetic £100 Fine for Non-White Pervert Who Demanded Sexual Favors from Schoolgirls

Oxford Mail
July 6, 2014

This 13-year-old was verbally abused and threatened by a man shouting from the multi-storey car park in Cowley.

A MOTHER has told how her daughter is scared to go out alone after a man chased her and school friends and demanded sexual favours from them.

The three teenage girls were forced to hide in a bush for safety after they were shouted at by De Jesus Gomes while walking in the street.

After Gomes’ conviction at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday for using threatening and abusive behaviour, one of his victim’s mothers spoke out about the impact of the incident on her child.

She says her daughter has been forced to take time off school because of panic attacks and anxiety.

And the mother, who cannot be named to protect the identity of her daughter, told the Oxford Mail: “She’s very shocked and shaken up. She had a panic attack and I had to speak to the doctors.

“She wasn’t in school after it and she’s scared to go out on her own now.”

Speaking of her daughter having to give evidence in court, she said: “She was very nervous and stressed.

“She got teary but I’m just glad it’s all over now and she can forget about it.”

After spending the morning shopping on Sunday, March 23, the 13-year-old girls were leaving Templars Square shopping centre when the incident happened.

The schoolgirls were leaving Templars Square shopping centre when the Non-White pervert started threatening them.

The mother explained: “They were leaving the shopping centre, and were just by the John Allen Centre car park. There was a man across the main street in some garages.” He then shouted at the girls, demanding sexual favours.

The victim’s mother said: “The girls were shocked by what they had heard, so they shouted “What?”.

“The man then replied: ‘We’re coming to get you.’. Not ‘I’m,’ ‘we’re’. Because they thought there were more men like him, they started running, and he started chasing them.”

Running down Rymers Lane, the frightened girls then hid in a bush and called the police.

Gomes, 25, of no fixed address, was arrested at the scene. After being found guilty, he was fined £100, ordered to pay £100 in compensation, £200 court costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

For the victim’s mother, this is not punishment enough.

She said: “I’m gobsmacked he didn’t get probation or anything.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t do it to anybody else and seriously hurt someone. At least he got a guilty verdict.”

Oxford Crown Court just fined the pervert £100.

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