UK: Petition to Halt Third World Invasion Gains Support

The New Observer
September 7, 2015

An official online petition hosted on the UK Parliament’s petition website calling on the British government to halt all immigration and deny Third World invaders access to that country, is now attracting new signatures at a faster rate than an opposing one calling for more asylum seekers to be let in.


According to statistics on the parliament website, over 2,000 people per hour are signing the petition, set up in response to a far leftist initiative.

The new petition, which says that many immigrants are “trying to change UK into a Muslim country,” is now gathering speed despite the controlled media blacking out its existence—contrary to the pro-invasion petition, to which they gave prominent publicity.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has already promised to accept “thousands” more refugees and has undertaken to continue spending British taxpayers’ money encouraging the invasion by keeping Royal Navy ships deployed to “rescue” invaders crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

Cameron has also suggested that further British military intervention in Syria is needed, even though British and American wars in the Middle East are the cause of the invasion in the first place.

The petition can only be signed by British citizens or residents, and once it reaches 100,000, must be considered for a debate in Parliament. The petition can be found here.