UK: Police Release Mugshots of 17 Foreign Murderers, Rapists and Human Traffickers Prowling the Streets

Daily Mail
March 5, 2015

Alexandru Cucu was being hunted by Romanian authorities after he and another suspect beat a security guard with an iron rod, a metal pipe and an axe handle.

These 17 dangerous men wanted abroad for crimes ranging from murder to human trafficking were today revealed to be on the run from British police.

The Metropolitan Police has launched a huge manhunt for the foreign nationals who are wanted by authorities across Europe and are now believed to be hiding in the UK.

One of the men battered his victim to death with a baseball bat in Romania, while another is being sought in connection with the murder of a woman who had her throat cut in Belgium.

The probe – named Operation Sunfire – is being run by Scotland Yard’s extradition unit. The majority of the men have links to London but their exact whereabouts are unknown.

Police issued photos of all 17 men as they launched the appeal today. Detective Sergeant Peter Rance, who is heading the manhunt, asked people to get in touch if they recognise any of them.

Detectives investigating the organised sexual exploitation of girls in Romania want to speak to Balint Budi.

He said: ‘We believe that these people are dangerous, so taking them out of our communities and putting them before the courts is of paramount importance.

‘I urge the public to look closely at these pictures. Do you recognise these men? It may be that they live next door to you, or you see them regularly elsewhere in your community.’

One of the men, Silviu-Bogdan Bruzlea, 27, was sentenced to 20 years in prison in his absence for murdering a man in Romania in September 2007.

After the victim and Bruzlea’s girlfriend had an argument in the Tiga nightclub in Hunedoara, the killer armed himself with a baseball bat as he and his friends followed the victim home.

They then repeatedly hit the victim’s head and body for ten minutes, causing injuries which he died from three days later in hospital.

Bangladeshi national Rouf Uddin, 39, is wanted by Belgian authorities following the murder of Malika Soussi in November 2002.

Romanian authorities want to extradite 52-year-old Octavian Medeleanu after a number of women were threatened with violence and trafficked to the UK.

The 32-year-old’s body was found with her throat cut in her flat in Ïxelles.

Alexandru Cucu was being hunted by Romanian authorities after he and another suspect beat a security guard with an iron rod, a metal pipe and an axe handle at the Wake Up club in Cugir in April 2011.

Abri Bucpapaj is wanted by Finnish authorities in connection with allegations of rape, assault and threats to kill.

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