UK: Political Action Groups Demands Court Ban on Arms Sales to Jews Following Netanyahu Arrest Warrant

As said, the UN’s court (and it is the UN’s court, despite the fact it’s a different body technically, it was founded by a UN order and is run by UN people) cannot actually enforce their arrest warrant for Bibi. The court was not ever set up for this purpose, it was basically a Nuremberg monkey show type thing against the poor Serbs.

However, despite the lack of authority of the court, having this established international body, an organ of the global governance system we hear so much about, declare that Bibi should be in prison has a lot of other ramifications.

The Guardian:

Campaigners trying to block UK sales of F-35 jet engine parts to Israel will apply for an emergency high court injunction in light of the international criminal court issuing arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Campaigners at Global Legal Action Network (Glan) and Al-Haq say it is unconscionable British manufacturers are still selling parts that can be used to bomb Palestinians in Gaza. The government has until Friday to file a defence.

At a high court hearing on 18 November, the UK government admitted potential damage to the UK/US relationship was a factor in deciding to continue allowing some exports.

In other previous hearings the court ordered ministers to disclose the rationale for continuing to sell F-35s, at a time when they admitted Israel was breaching international law. The court was not due to hear the case again until January when an extended hearing date was due to be set.

Glan lawyer Charlotte Andrews-Briscoe said: “It is unconscionable that the UK continues to allow British-made components for F-35s to be used in Israel’s extermination campaign against Palestinians. As of Thursday, the UK is now arming suspected war criminals who have been indicted by the world’s pre-eminent criminal court. For 13 months, Glan and Al-Haq have argued that weapons sales to Israel are unlawful. When will it be enough? Does the UK government have any red lines?”

Al-Haq spokesperson Zainah El-Haroun said: “The latest arrest warrants issued against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Gallant for the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity add to the insurmountable evidence that British weapons, particularly F-35 components, are being used to commit international crimes, including genocide.”

This obviously won’t happen. The UK is an organ of the US, much more so than any other country in Europe, and the UK has its own Jews capable of pulling strings.

But it doesn’t really matter much anyway. What matters is that the anti-Jewish sentiment is building, and Jews are now associated with the mass slaughter of children in the minds of all goyim, save for the protestant evangelical whackjobs and weirdo Indians. Excluding those two groups, everyone now hears “Jew” and thinks “child killer.”

It’s a good time to be an antisemite, I can tell you that.