Daily Mail
June 19, 2014

The failure of the political elite to understand public concern over immigration is fuelling mounting anger among voters, sociologists have found.
The widening ‘disconnect’ between Westminster’s ‘liberal political class’ and the views of the public has contributed to the rise of UKIP, according to the annual British Social Attitudes survey.
Persistent public anxiety over high levels of immigration is something the mainstream parties ignore at their peril, it concluded.
The survey found that fewer Britons now support the idea of multiculturalism than a decade ago.
Increasing numbers say being born in the UK or having ‘British ancestry’ are important elements of a British identity.
And, when asked about what makes people ‘truly British’, 95 per cent of the survey’s participants said speaking English was an important factor – up from 85 per cent in 2003.

The results follow a decade of mass immigration into the UK since restrictions were lifted on Eastern Europeans.
There are now some 2.5million more foreign-born British residents than a decade ago, including around a million from Poland and the seven other countries that joined in 2004.
Nigel Farage’s UKIP came top in the European elections and second in the Newark by-election, in part over concerns about immigration and EU rules that keep Britain’s borders open.
More than eight out of ten people now support a major tightening of rules on access to benefits and curbs on overall immigration.
The British Social Attitudes survey, which has been carried out every year for 30 years, pointed out the EU rules make it ‘very hard’ for the Government to cut the numbers coming here.