UK Politicians to Get Compulsory ‘Honesty’ Training

Daily Mail
December 17, 2013

MPs will have to go to special seminars to learn the difference between right and wrong, modelled on those given to lawyers and we all know what paragons of virtue lawyers are.
MPs will have to go to special seminars to learn the difference between right and wrong. These seminars will be based on the ones that lawyers are required to go through.

New MPs are to be given lessons in ethics to reverse the ‘jaundiced’ public view of politicians.

The Commons standards watchdog has proposed the lessons in the wake of the expenses and lobbying controversies.

Courses will start after the next general election, in 2015, and aim to bolster MPs’ confidence in how to act in public office.

Lord Bew, the chairman of the committee on standards in public life, said the seminars would raise ‘the awareness of practical ethical issues among MPs’.

Lessons on how to accept gifts and contact with outside lobbyists would raise the ‘ethical sensitivity of members of parliament’, according to Lord Bew.

‘People are thrust into situations they don’t expect and they are not necessarily equipped to know how to behave,’ he said.

‘There are sometimes simple cases of corruption, but a lot of what is going on now is a little bit more complicated to work out what is right and what is wrong.’

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