Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 27, 2014

Shocking population figures have just been released for Britain which show that it is growing twice as fast as the rest of Europe.
As usual the Jew media is distracting people from the real reasons for this, ranging from the BBC saying it is because too many people are breeding, then neglecting to mention that it is only Blacks and Non-Whites that are doing the breeding, down to the ‘Right-Wing’ newspapers rightly blaming immigration, but then laying the fault entirely on the Labour government.
The truth is that the Non-White population has now replaced close to 20% of the indigenous White population and that was something that was bound to happen at some point, after successive Jew-run governments started letting them all in after the war. All Labour did was speed up this process. Make no mistake, whether Labour or Conservative these Jews and their lackeys are determined to replace all White people with the easier to control and cheaper to employ denizens of the third world. Whether it is to get more votes, or to get a cheaper work force, or just simply because they hate White people, the three groups, Labour, Conservative and the Jews in each of them, all have the same goal in sight.

Yesterday, the Office for National Statistics revealed how, over the past decade, Britain’s population has grown twice as fast as the rest of Europe.
There are now more than 64million people living here – up by an astonishing five million in the last 12 years alone.
Every year, schools, the health service, roads and housing are having to cope with an extra 400,000 people, equivalent to a new city the size of Bristol.
There is no doubt over who can be held responsible for this unsustainable boom in population: a Labour government which, in the words of one former Tony Blair adviser, adopted a deliberate policy of mass immigration in order to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’.
Almost 60 per cent of the increase over the past decade has been fuelled by arrivals from overseas, and if births to migrants are added – one in four children now has a mother born overseas – the impact is certain to be even more dramatic.
The question is whether the current Prime Minister can find a way to relieve the pressure that is being placed on social cohesion and this country’s creaking infrastructure.
With the majority of migrants now coming from inside the EU, restricting the influx will be fiendishly hard.
Indeed, Jean-Claude Juncker – the man whose appointment as European Commission President David Cameron has tried and humiliatingly failed to prevent – has made it clear that he will resist any attempt to change existing Brussels diktats on free movement.
But, with GP surgeries becoming so over-subscribed they are removing 95-year-old widows from their patient lists and with classrooms full to bursting, Mr Cameron and Britain cannot afford another failure at the negotiating table.