UK: Pothead Animal Rights Activist Charged with Racism for Protesting Halal Torture

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

The pothead animal rights racist in question.
The pothead animal rights racist in question.

Everything is racism now, goyim. If you don’t like animal torture, or you don’t like babies having their genitals mutilated, it is pure hatred.

It is part of the unique and vibrant culture of Moslems that they enjoy causing suffering on helpless creatures.  Whether it be 9-year-old girls they have sex with before their bodies are capable and thus permanently damage or kill them, or helpless animals who they want to experience great pain before they die to be consumed, these diverse colorfuls simply cannot get enough of inflicting torture on creatures smaller than they.

And having that in your society is called “cultural enrichment.”  And it is illegal to complain about.


A man put stickers on food at Sainsbury’s which said “Beware! Halal is barbaric and funds terrorism” – but has denied they were racist.

Liam Gary Edwards, 29, pleaded guilty to criminal damage today after the stickers were discovered at a store in Salford, Greater Manchester.

But he denied a more serious charge of racially or religiously aggravated criminal damage, the Manchester Evening News reported.

Prosecutors refused to accept his plea and he will face a trial over the more serious charge later this year.

The round red stickers, carrying the hashtag #BanHalal, were discovered on meat packages and equipment at the store in Ordsall on February 18.

Edwards, who lives nearby, was arrested and charged with the offences along with possession of cannabis. He admitted cannabis possession in court tMs Holden told Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court: “The point about animal slaughter can be expressed in a different way without suggesting halal and terrorism is linked.”oday.

Holly Holden, prosecuting, said Edwards admitted his actions fully but said he was protesting against halal slaughter.

The rules for halal, which means “permissable” in Arabic, are based on Islamic law.

Animals must be alive when they are slaughtered with a single cut to the neck.

Animal rights campaigners have claimed the practice, along with kosher slaughter, is cruel – especially in some slaughterhouses which do not stun animals first.

Ms Holden told Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court: “The point about animal slaughter can be expressed in a different way without suggesting halal and terrorism is linked.”

What is interesting about this is that – finally – we are seeing these liberal morons recognize the obvious fact that these hordes they are demanding be brought into our countries have a value system which is basically the exact opposite of their own. Animal rights are a good place to see this disconnect. As is the practice of both male and female genital mutilation. We see this sometimes with the burka as well, feminists complaining that it is an abuse of women’s rights.

Complaining about Moslems torturing animals and using the money from kebabs to fund ISIS?  New holocaust.
Complaining about Moslems torturing animals and using the money from kebabs to fund ISIS? New holocaust. Shut the lips goyim, or we shall shut them for you.

We need to do our best to make these differences between liberalism and Islamism more obvious.

For the record, I believe the liberals are correct about animal rights.  Though I am a meat eater, I also believe that these animals should not be made to suffer unnecessarily, and it is a statement about the racial soul of Moslems and Jews that they have this drive to torture these animals.