UK: Pro-White Reverend Sacked for Teaching the Truth About the Crusades

December 15, 2014


Reverend Robert West is on ‘trial’ for giving a history lesson on the Crusades.

In this amateur video submitted by the Reverend’s local BNP team, he explains the significance of the trial.

N.B. Some of the audio is difficult to make out so BNPtv have enabled subtitles should you need them, simply click on the icon to the right of the menu bar at the bottom of the video screen.

Reverend West is being persecuted for his Christian values!

The school fired him and even had pupils give an assembly to the whole school on ‘religious tolerance’.

The school also told the agency that sent Reverend West that he had been accused of ‘racism’, and criticised their vetting procedures resulting in the agency braking communications with the Reverend and declining him more work.

Of course, there was never any proof of ‘racism’, but fact that the good Reverend is a staunch supporter of the British National Party, the only political party that fights for the interests of the indigenous British people in our homeland, that was enough for them to make the disgraceful accusation.

It’s like something out of George Orwell’s 1984!

When will this madness stop?

The answer is… when we all decide to do something about it!