UK: Racist Paki Says Racists Who Criticize Immigration Aren’t Racist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2016


Priti Patel might be a Paki, but that doesn’t exclude her from being a virulent racist. Plus, Jared Taylor said of her “she looks White to me!”

smdh 2016.

The Telegraph:

It is not “racist” to be concerned about the impact of mass immigration, Britain’s only Asian female Cabinet minister says.

The Work and Pensions minister Priti Patel, who is campaigning to leave the European Union, blames other politicians for making it impossible to raise concerns about the impact of the arrival of hundreds of thousands of migrants without being accused of being racist.

In an interview with the Telegraph on the first day of the EU referendum campaign, Ms Patel says she is well qualified to comment on the issue as the daughter of Indian immigrants of Gujarati origin who left Uganda shortly before Idi Amin expelled the Asian community.

Oh, big surprise: she is generationally responsible for oppressing the innocent Africans.

She says: “I don’t subscribe to this view that it is racist to speak about immigration and I say that as a daughter or immigrants from decades ago. Our job is to articulate and represent the concerns of the British public – and we should be doing that whatever our backgrounds are.”

Ms Patel, 44, will become one of the increasingly prominent voices for the Leave campaign ahead of the EU referendum vote on June 23. One of her arguments for a British exit from Europe or ‘Brexit’ will be that leaving the EU will allow the UK to take far greater control of the UK’s borders.

Oh, she’s against the EU? Maybe also sexist against the female dictator of the Union?


smdh she’s just as capable as any man.

Taking back control over exactly who can and cannot move to the UK would have a huge knock-on effect in easing pressure on public services such as on school places and in the National Health Service.

She says: “Speak to the public wherever your go, pressures on public services are acute when you look at school places, there are not enough school places in some parts of our country because of the changes in our communities, because of the flow coming in.”

Another racist canard: third world immigrants cost money.

In fact, they contribute to the economy. Welfare recipients who work as pimps and drug dealers might not pay taxes, but they do buy things. And buying things means: good economy.