UK: Reported Rapes in Tribal-Held Area Increase by 59%

Slough Observer
July 12, 2014

Reported rapes have soared by 59% in Slough this year. Slough is only 35% White. The rest is mainly Pakistani or Indian pariahs.

THE number of rapes recorded by police in Slough has risen by 59% in a year – although officers have nearly doubled the amount of cases in which alleged rapists are charged.

Recorded rape rose from 61 in 2012/13 to 103 in 2013/14. The figure is higher than the 98 recorded in Milton Keynes and 65 in Oxford – which both have larger populations than Slough.

But police bosses have said the figures show victims feel more confident that reporting the crime will see justice done.

Anthony Stansfeld, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, said: “I believe the apparent rise is because the police are now seen to be taking firmer action than in the past, and victims are more willing to come forward since the recent public court cases.

Residents of Slough show some appreciation for their host country.

“I am pleased that Slough’s outcome rate has significantly improved over the last year. The increase seen in Slough’s recorded rape cases was also reflected across the wider force.”

A police spokeswoman said: “We have worked hard over the past few years to ensure the way we capture and record crimes is accurate and in line with the standards expected of Forces by the Home Office.

“This rise in the number of incidents is a reflection of this work…Historically this type of offence has gone under-reported and the increase indicates people feel more confident to report such matters to us. This may be as a result of the increased publicity of this type of offence through the high profile investigations into the offences committed by Jimmy Savile as part of Operation Yewtree.

“While we are committed to minimising the risk of anyone being the victim of this type of offence, we will always encourage people to come forward and speak with us if they have been affected by this issue.”

White women are seen as kuffars by Muslims and not deserving of the usual respect you should pay to a woman.

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