UK: Repulsive Wigger Teams-Up with Non-White Brutes to Savagely Beat Disabled Man to Death

Crime and Justice
February 6, 2014

Andrea Jones. I think this one could be the woman.

A court  has heard how two men and a woman savagely beat a vulnerable man to death.

Barry Shillam, from Rotten Park Road, Edgbaston, died in hospital from multiple organ failure and internal bleeding on Thursday 18 July last year.

Today Andrea Jones, aged 40, from Brook Street, Smethwick, John Scott, aged 47 from Oldbury, along with 40-year-old Gurminder Singh from St Matthews Road, Smethwick, were found guilty of his murder after a three week trial.

The jury heard how the known alcohol dependent group had befriended 53-year-old Barry and invited him back to Jones’ flat for a drinking session.

However, after falling asleep, the group turned violent after discovering that Barry had consumed some cider belonging to one of them.

Gurminder Singh

All three have been jailed for life for Barry’s murder and will serve a minimum of 15 years.

Detective Sergeant Harry May, from the Major Investigation and Review Team, said: “This triggered a prolonged and vicious attack on Barry where he was punched and kicked for over an hour, having been dragged and left on grassland outside the flat.

“Barry was registered disabled, suffering from severe short-term memory loss, and was unable to defend himself. He didn’t stand a chance from the severe beating that was thrust upon him.”

“Throughout the trial the trio tried to blame each other for the attack on Barry, but ultimately they have all been found guilty of murder.”

DS May added: “Today our thoughts go out to Barry’s family who are all devastated by his tragic death.

John Scott

“He was a father of three and had three step children. He lived with his elderly mother, had five brothers and two grandchildren and they all loved him dearly. He will be sorely missed.”

His brother, Stephen Falconer, spoke on behalf of the family, he said: “Barry has been torn from our hearts and our lives have been shattered.

“We have to try to rebuild our lives without Barry and that makes us sad, we are the ones who have been given a life sentence.

“Barry was easy prey in terms of his weakness physically and mentally, he would have seen his murderers as friends.

“He was a lovely natured man who enjoyed simple pleasures of life but the harsh reality is that not everyone is as trustworthy.”