UK: “Right-Wing Extremist” Pre-Emptively Accused of Terrorism Going to Jail Over Internet Searches

They will just watch your searches and put you in prison for them now.


A man believed to be the first far-right extremist to be placed under special government measures for monitoring suspected terrorists is to be jailed for breaching them, a court has heard.

The defendant, who can only be referred to as LXB, was subject to strict measures controlling his electronic communication in 2022 after being convicted of possessing material likely to be used for a terrorist purpose.

Well, it’s not going to be very hard to identify the man with the middle initial “X,” now is it?

Is his middle name “X-Men”?

That might explain the bad behavior with the search engines.

He also previously made threats to kill a Jewish MP and had another conviction for making explosives, Leeds Crown Court heard.

He pleaded guilty to four counts of contravening a TPIM (Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures) order and was told he would face a jail sentence at his next hearing on 16 July.

The TPIM is a 2011 law that was supposed to stop Moslems from doing terrorist attacks

The court heard the man, who is in his 20s, was visited by police at home in June last year after he tried to set up a bank account on a device that was not known to them.

Officers searching his house found a GoPro camera and micro SD card, which the defendant was not allowed to have without Home Office approval.


“You have to call the office for permission to buy a GoPro.”

The hearing was told the SD card contained videos LXB appeared to have made of himself trying to inform others of his TPIM and what it is like to live under one.

He was also found to have made hundreds of internet searches over four months that were in breach of his restrictions.

The court heard he used the search bar of the Guardian website rather than Google to make searches, in order to get around the blocking software that would have prevented the searches on his Home Office-approved laptop.

He was found to have searched for topics relating to Andrew Tate, the Bristol bus boycott and “the science of terrorism,” the court heard.

In his police interview LXB said he was challenging the TPIM restrictions in the High Court, claiming they were “overly onerous” and “designed to cause me to breach the order and criminalise me”.

Judge Tom Bayliss KC said he would sentence the defendant on Tuesday, and that jail was the only possible sentence.

They should put Andrew Tate in prison with him.

It’s obvious that this is all his fault.

The terrorist was presumably trying to build a time machine to travel to the 60s and yell the N-word at this nigger