UK: Rochdale Council Accused of Blocking Major Inquiry Into Paki Rape Gangs

These Pakis don’t just procure white schoolgirls for themselves, but also for local councilors, politicians and police officers.

So why would the Rochdale Council willingly expose itself by permitting a sincere inquiry?

Voice of Europe:

Rochdale Council has been accused of blocking a major child abuse inquiry, Politicalite revealed.

Campaigners from Parents Against Grooming, a grassroots organisation of parents who have been affected by the child grooming scandal in Rochdale have been consistently campaigning for a full inquiry into the role played in covering up abuse by Rochdale Borough Council – abuse which allegedly included victims who had been found dead “in mysterious circumstances.”

Earlier this year, the former Labour Leader of Rochdale Council, Richard Farnell, was heavily criticised by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) panel which said that his claim to have no knowledge of abuse allegations at Knowl View school and the Cambridge House hostel, between the early 1960s and mid-1990s “defied belief”.

The group thought they had found an ally in the Council’s Deputy Leader, Sara Rowbotham (Lab) who worked from 2003 to 2014 as Rochdale’s crisis intervention team coordinator and made hundreds of referrals to police which were dismissed.

Parents Against Grooming told Politicalite that they have comprehensive evidence of the cover-up and when they asked Rowbotham if she would stand by their side, she replied that she worried them taking the evidence to the media would make “engaging” with the council harder.