UK Says They’re Open to Assad Staying and Ruling Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2017

Are you guy’s even able to believe all the winning that is happening right now?

I’m the chief reporter on it and I’m myself having a hard time processing it.

Case-in-point – this is a victory of monumental proportions that could almost get lost in this eternal sea of winning.


UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says Britain has changed its stance and now believes Syrian President Bashar Assad could potentially be allowed to run for president if there was a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

“It is our view that Bashar al-Assad should go, it’s been our longstanding position. But we are open-minded about how that happens and the timescale on which that happens,” Johnson told the Lords International Relations Committee on Thursday, according to The Guardian.

The statement came a day before British Prime Minister Theresa May meets with recently inaugurated US President Donald Trump in Washington, which means all sides interested in peaceful settlement of the long-lasting conflict in Syria could reconsider their views on the matter.

There is a need to be “realistic about the way the landscape has changed” and to take a fresh look at the situation, Johnson said.

“We are getting to the stage where some sort of democratic resolution has got to be introduced,” he added.

“I would hope it would be possible to have a plebiscite or an election which is properly supervised by the UN and in which all the 11 million displaced persons, including the 4 million who are outside Syria now, are fully entitled to vote,” he said.

Among most important points on today’s agenda, Johnson named a clear understanding of “where the White House is coming from.”

“We need to understand how they see the endgame here, and we need to help shape that conversation, and some of the reservations we have, particularly about Iran,” he said.

Assad would win any election. He wins them all the time.

This is so great. Britcucks are just folding.

Thank you, Mr. Putin.

Thank you, Mr. Trump.