Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2015

Salmond is at it again, proving once more what a stupid hoax the Scottish independence movement is.
Newly-appointed SNP foreign affairs spokesman Alex Salmond calls on the government to accept the EU quota and take an extra 60,000 asylum seekers a year.
The MP tells Channel 4 News: “I think that Britain should take the full 60,000 and Scotland is certainly willing to take our proportionate share and we would argue for that.
“I think most people are human beings and, when they see people in their extremity, want to do something to help and I think a government that doesn’t understand that basic human instinct of the Scottish people and indeed the English people isn’t the sort of government that represents people properly.”
Just exactly what sort of “nationalist” wants more immigrants in his country?
Why does one multi-ethnic state want to separate from another multi-ethnic state?
Unless there is some economic benefit (there isn’t), then what could possibly be the point? How is no one in the media asking this most obvious of questions?