May 5, 2014

Teachers in Bradford are fighting to prevent a takeover of Muslim-majority state schools by a group closely linked to the alleged “Trojan Horse” plotters in Birmingham.
Two successful head teachers in the Yorkshire city have left their jobs and a third has been subject to “constant” criticism by governors trying to “drive her out”, staff at the schools concerned said.
One of the departed heads said she had been the victim of an “attempted coup” by “dementors [evil characters]” and people “working against me, overtly and covertly”.
The entire governing body at another Bradford secondary school has been sacked by the local council as it attempts to tackle the problem.
Senior Department for Education sources said that coordinated attempts to undermine secular heads had occurred or were suspected in at least five places across the UK – Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester, and the London boroughs of Waltham Forest and Tower Hamlets.
The disclosure follows a statement by Russell Hobby, leader of the NAHT head teachers’ union, that the plot was unlikely to be “limited to Birmingham”, but was “connected into the large cities around the country”.
In video footage seen by the Telegraph, the man accused of being at the centre of the Bradford plot, Faisal Khan, describes how he and his colleagues have worked for a “number of years” to “change the head teacher” at schools in the city, adding: “We have to do that for every single school… we have to be there, on governing bodies, because that’s what it’s all about… It’s time we took these schools back.” Mr Khan, a councillor formerly for George Galloway’s Respect party, now sitting as an independent, insisted last night that his sole motive in removing head teachers was driving up standards and said he had no wish to “Islamise” schools.

However, his group, the Bradford Muslim Education Forum (BMEF), has close links to the alleged “Trojan Horse” plotters who have worked to impose conservative Islamic practices on schools in Birmingham. The BMEF holds regular and numerous events in Bradford featuring Tahir Alam, the alleged ringleader of the Birmingham plot and chairman of governors at Park View, the Birmingham school at the centre of the “Trojan Horse” allegations.
Mr Alam’s mobile phone number was given as a contact for the BMEF at one of the meetings, a protest against sex education in schools. Another was jointly organised with the al-Hijrah Training Academy, a Birmingham-based group run by Mr Alam to “empower the community to ensure our needs are met” and “get more Muslims involved so that they can influence the education of their children”.
Other regular speakers at BMEF events in Bradford are Razwan Faraz, deputy head of Nansen, another of the Birmingham schools allegedly taken over, Shahid Akmal, chairman of governors at Nansen, and Achmad da Costa, chairman of governors at Oldknow, a third Birmingham school allegedly taken over. Also speaking at one event was Alyas Karmani, director of the Street project, a group that had its government grant cancelled for its links with Salafi extremism.
Park View, Nansen and Oldknow are highly likely to be placed in special measures by Ofsted, with their governors and leadership removed, after inspectors found evidence that they had been heavily “Islamised”, with girls made to sit at the back of the class, sex education curtailed, GCSE syllabuses “restricted in line with a conservative Islamic teaching” and an extremist preacher invited to address pupils at assembly.