UK: SHOCKING Investigation Finds That Paki Grooming of White Children is “Extensive”

I often get depressed when I’m reminded that the British government actively imports millions of Third Worlders into the nation, grants them superior rights over the white natives, then pretends to care when those Third Worlders groom and abuse the native children.

But then I come to my senses and realize it could be much worse.

For one, we could all be speaking German right now.

You think grooming gangs and nail bombs in crowded stadiums are bad? Imagine living in a Nazi-occupied England where everyone sounds like they’re talking with a mouth full of bread.


Vulnerable women are most likely being “extensively” abused across the UK and ministers need to urgently review sex exploitation laws, a report says.

David Spicer led a review in the wake of Operation Sanctuary which saw 18 people jailed for the sexual abuse of young women groomed in Newcastle.

He said exploitation was not being recognised in adults.

The operation identified about 700 victims in total across the Northumbria Police area, 108 in Newcastle.

If someone asked me how to handle the Moslem grooming epidemic in the UK, I’d probably respond with “execute the Pakis that abused the kids, decorate the shores of Dover with their skulls as a warning to incoming invaders from Calais, and deport the rest of them with extreme prejudice.”

But these madmen make me look like a cuck. A review of current sex exploitation laws? Those Moslems will be shaking in their sandals!

The government said it would “look carefully” at Mr Spicer’s 33 recommendations, which also included a need for research into the cultural background of abusers, many of whom in the case of Sanctuary were from a “predominantly Asian or British Minority Ethnic culture or background”.

“Recommendations”? We’re talking about the abusers of white children here, Mr. Spicer, not the chef’s specials at a London steakhouse.

Mr Spicer, who carried out the serious case review for the Newcastle Safeguarding Adults and Children Boards, said it was clear “adults were being targeted, groomed and exploited” as well as children.

Adults groomed by Pakis? Is that a joke?

Do these investigators expect us to believe that Ahmed is approaching some middle-aged British woman and saying “hey sexy girl, you want some candy? Coz I’ve got a whole bunch of candy right here in the back of my corner shop…”?

Yes, these feminist slags have no issues bedding down with non-whites. But to call it “grooming” is ludicrous and an obvious attempt to downplay the pedophilia for which Pakis are so well-known.

He said: “Vulnerability is not determined by age and it is likely that extensive abuse of vulnerable adults is taking place across the country unrecognised.”

Mr Spicer said the operation had proved successful but it was only when Northumbria Police and other agencies like Newcastle City Council started looking for the issue they found it.

Well imagine that: the issue was only found when they started looking for it.

I’m reminded of the time I lost my wallet at a friend’s house.

After 30 minutes had passed without it turning up, my friend said “wait… have you actually tried searching for it?” and I was like “no… why? would that help?”

That was the day I learned the relationship between search and find. I’m glad senior investigators like Mr. Spicer and his police buddies are also discovering some of life’s most important lessons while handling a serious abuse case.

In the Newcastle case, most of the men were British-born but all came from Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian or Turkish communities.

Think tank the Quillam Foundation, which focuses on counter-extremism, said 84% of the 264 offenders convicted of grooming between 2005 and 2017 were of south Asian heritage.

According to Wikipedia, the total population of “Asians” (browns and yellows, but mostly browns) in the UK was 6.9% in 2011. If we assume that that percentage has risen to 10-15% in 2018, then that means that – surprise! – Asians are still massively over-represented among child grooming gangs (to the point where all other groups are statistical outliers).

The obvious solution, then, is to kick every Paki out of the country.

But the UK government won’t do that, and for good reason: the abuse and racial humiliation of white children by Moslem savages is the desired outcome, the intended result, of the Kalergi Plan that the political elite – and their kike masters – follow.

These milquetoast and low energy “investigations” into grooming gangs are nothing but prolefeed designed to give the public the false impression that something is being done about them on a systemic level. And yes, a few pawns will be sacrificed from time to time to maintain that pretense, as they were here.

But these Pakis are basically the unwitting servants of a Jew-controlled government that wants to destroy the white goyim. Why would that government kick them out when they’re doing such a good job?