Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2014

The NHS was created after the war so that British people from all walks of life would be entitled to the same free health care as everyone else.
It used to work well and if you fell ill, you could see a doctor straight away, or even call one to your home.
This was before our traitorous politicians tore down Britain’s borders and invited all the disease-ridden hordes to come in and plunder us.
Nowadays, you can be waiting weeks to see your doctor and up to a year for a hospital appointment and do not even think about going to a hospital in an emergency – even if you phone for an ambulance, you could be left in the car park for two days.
Instead of manning up to their mistakes and admitting the obvious cause of this situation, the liars at Westminster have tried to claim the problems are down to an aging population – as if we never grew old until now.
They are so desperate to cover up their crimes that the Department of Health has not carried out a single study into the impact of immigration on the NHS.
Thankfully, independent think tank The Nuffield Trust have now done their job for them and have revealed that over half a million foreigners every year are registering themselves at British Health Centers and pushing the native British people to the back of the queue.
In the years 2003-04 the number of diseased parasites registering was 550,000, in 2004-05 it was 583,000 and in 2005-06 it was 625,000. At that rate it is probably nearer a million a year by now.
This is millions of extra people every year that the NHS was not designed to help, whose ancestors had nothing to do with creating it or funding it, who are now taking precedence in using it and driving the lawful inheritors of it into sickness and early death.
It makes me furious to see Negroes in wheelchairs and non-Whites being on dialysis machines while our own White people are dying in the streets like the Africans do in their own countries.
The next time you cannot see a doctor when you are ill, just remember why that is and the next time you hear that the NHS would cease without all the foreigners working in it, just remember how well it used to work.
We even used to have free dentists, along with free eye tests and free prescription medicine. Not anymore. They’ve replaced them with free trafficking and gang-rape of thousands of little girls and free street beheadings.
The only way to prevent the free NHS going the same way as the free dentists is to stop all immigrants from using the NHS and send them back home to be treated instead.