UK: Single Transgender Man That Gave Birth Wants the Child to be Declared Motherless

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2019

Stock photo of a mother and her boyfriendchild in 2019

Biology keeps getting in the way of progress! These people don’t understand, man. This is a single man and it doesn’t matter that “he” has a vagina and that “he” just gave birth to “his” baby. He’s a single independent man that needs no mother for his child.

What’s so hard to understand? The baby just willed itself into existence out of the non-existent sperm of this “man.”

Daily Mail:

A child born to a transgender man is at the centre of a landmark trial being overseen by the most senior family court judge in England and Wales.

The baby is the child of a single parent who was born a woman but now lives as a man after undergoing surgery.

The man wants to be identified as the child’s father or parent on a birth certificate but a registrar has told him that the law requires people who give birth to be registered as mothers.

He has taken legal action against the General Register Office, which registers births and deaths in England and Wales, after complaining of discrimination.

Lawyers say other transgender men have given birth but have been registered on birth certificates as mothers.

Nope. Still not peak degeneracy yet.

These are uncharted waters. Our laws were made before we were Enlightened by Progress and shown The Way.

If you think this birth certificate transgender motherless thing is insane, maybe you should read Jewish Pinker’s Enlightenment Now and get some enlightenment right about now.

We’ve already moved past whether or not children can be born out of their fathers, and we decided that they can. Now it’s time to update our laws to accommodate our new path. We’ll use terms such as “birth-person” to describe what we now primitively know as “mothers,” which is based on the concept of “birth place” but applied to persons.

We already have spokespersons, and we’ll soon have birthperson.

After that, we’ll use the term spermperson to describe what we now erroneously know as “father.”

Although now that we’re giving this thing a bit of thought… isn’t it incredibly rapist to literally assign parents to babies at birth? Just as assigning their genders at birth is a patriarchal oppression symptom, but worse, because you literally give full control to these so-called “parents” over the life of the baby.

I know right? I can’t even.

Can you even?