UK: State Funded Antifa Group Burn British Flag

Daily Stormer
July 23, 2014

Unite Against Fascism

UAF are Britain’s largest group of Antifa. They are funded by the ‘Unite’ union, which receives financial backing from the government.

Recently in the news for their orchestrated attacks against Nigel Farage and UKIP, they are now making fools of themselves again by burning the Union Jack, in the hopes that it might get Saint Steven of Lawrence in the news again. Steven Lawrence was the Black son of a paid communist agitator, who was killed by some White people over 20 years ago.

The hypocrisy of burning a nation’s flag as a statement against racism, appears to be completely lost on them.

Brainwashed footsoldiers of ZOG burning the Union Jack.

Daily Bale:

UAF activists gathered in Croydon to protest against racism in the metropolitan police at 12pm today but the emphasis was drawn to their activists who decided to burn the Union Jack flag with lighters whilst chanting ‘Britain is no more’ on loudspeakers.

The activist group which is known for combating racism and fascism in the community was condemned by Westminster politicians who branded the group ‘unethical’ and ‘anti-British’.

The UAF defended the flag burning in a statement posted on their Facebook page stating ‘our activists chose to burn the union jack to display their anger towards the way how the Steven Lawrence case has been dealt with by the metropolitan police. Racism is a real threat to British society and has no place In our community’

No sign of their funding being removed yet.