UK State Funds Black ‘Farmer’ in Ethiopia to Sue UK Government for Sending Them Foreign Aid

Daily Stormer
July 17, 2014

White disabled people in Britain can no longer get Legal-Aid to pay the costs of going to court.

While disabled White people are being denied Legal-Aid to challenge the unlawful removal of their disability benefits in Britain, Negro beasts from Ethiopia who have never even set foot in Britain, get all their costs paid for, so that they can sue the British government for sending them Foreign-Aid.

Daily Mail:

An Ethiopian farmer has won permission to use taxpayers’ money to sue the British Government … for sending aid to his homeland.

The case, branded ridiculous by MPs, will be funded entirely by the public even though the farmer has never set foot in this country.

The 33-year-old Ethiopian – granted anonymity to protect his family – says ministers are funding a one-party state in his country that has breached his human rights. He says foreign aid helped the regime inflict ‘brutal treatment’ on thousands of farmers driven from their land, against the International Development Act 2002.

Tory MP Peter Bone, who is a fierce critic of UK aid policy, branded the legal action as ‘bizarre’ and ‘ridiculous’.

Taxpayers will pay for both the farmer’s lawyers and a defence team from the Department for International Development, in a case that could cost tens of thousands of pounds. This is in addition to the £1.3billion Britain has sent to Ethiopia since 2010.

The farmer lodged the court papers from Kenya, before Justice Secretary Chris Grayling introduced rules to prevent cases being brought by those who have never set foot in the UK. The changes, which come into force next month, will mean anybody seeking legal aid in civil cases must have been resident in Britain for at least 12 months.

A Whitehall source said: ‘Whatever hardships this man has faced, the idea that someone without any connection to this country can get public money to sue the Government borders on the farcical.’

Tory MP Peter Bone, a fierce critic of UK aid policy, said the legal action was ‘bizarre’, adding: ‘This is a ridiculous case and it is ridiculous there is legal aid for it.’ However, he added: ‘If money is going to a corrupt regime and somebody is pointing that out then we should be taking note of it. That is the problem. A lot of the money goes on propping up corrupt regimes.’

It is not clear how the farmer, a father of six identified only as O, came to bring the case. Papers lodged earlier this year state he had to leave his family and flee to a refugee camp in Kenya after being beaten and tortured trying to protect his land. The UK has contributed to a £510million Protection of Basic Services fund which has allegedly ‘contributed’ to the programme of displacing the farmers.

O is not personally seeking compensation, but wants the Government to change its aid policies and stop bankrolling brutal regimes. If he succeeds, ministers could be forced to review donations to other nations accused of atrocities, such as Pakistan and Rwanda.

A ‘farmer’ from Ethiopia.