UK: Stoned Half-Caste Rapes Teenage Girl in Field

The cannabis made him do it.

This had nothing to do with race at all.


A teenage girl was raped in a field by a man who ‘smelled of cannabis’.

The attack happened in Tangmere in Chichester between 7pm and 8.30pm on Friday.

The victim describes her attacker as being a man of mixed race, around 6 feet, of medium build, with broad shoulders.

He was wearing a white hoody with the hood up and a black snood covering his face.

She says that he also spoke with a local accent in a deep voice and smelled of cannabis.

The incident was reported to police on Sunday and forensics investigators attended the scene the following morning.

Police are engaging with the local community, and house-to-house enquiries are being carried out in the area.