UK: Successful Anti-Grooming Demo in Newcastle

British National Front
May 13, 2014

The National Front put out a call to all Nationalists to make a public show of strength in Newcastle against the Non-White grooming of White children.

Due to the media blackout and the Establishment cover up of anything detrimental to ‘minorities’, unbeknown to the general public, the ongoing succession of Muslim child grooming outrages has reached a new high in the Newcastle area with the arrests of over seventy suspected child abusers and an estimated eighty-plus underage female victims. Eleven of the arrested, all middle-aged Muslim men, have been charged in connection with the investigation so far.

Unlike the rest of the political parties, especially the so-called ‘socialist’ left, the National Front refuses to stick its head in the sand over any attacks on the British people and we are determined that the British people are told the TRUTH regarding the organised nationwide rape and abuse of underage White girls. A public demonstration was called by North East National Front organiser Simon Biggs for Saturday, 10th May 2014 calling for tougher sentences for the grooming gangs and an end to the media blackout.

Over a hundred Nationalists showed up for the demonstration.

On the Saturday, over a hundred NF members and supporters along with local Nationalists from the NEI, CxF and other patriotic groups, gathered at Grey’s Monument, Newcastle city centre at 12 noon where they displayed placards, banners and distributed leaflets to the passing shoppers. Speeches were made through a loudhailer by NF members Simon Biggs, Daz Lumb, Kevin Bryan, Richard Edmonds and comrade Billy Charlton representing the NEI who all proved very popular with local folk passing by and caused them to stop, listen and applaud. The NF were joined over the next two hours by dozens of local folk who proudly stood with us, held NF flags and placards and helped to distribute leaflets.

The local red opposition, TWAFA, who had threatened to encircle the NF demo’ with a ‘Wall of Death’ where we would not leave alive, failed to materialise and a few members of a tiny red organisation waved a flag of Che Guevara in a separate demo’ not connected with any opposition to ours. They sensibly stayed on that side of the monument and were ignored by the nationalists and public alike.

Many leaflets were handed out and the public gathered in their hundreds to listen to the speeches.

Following the demo’, we retired to a city centre public house to a lively meeting where speeches were given by Richard Edmonds, Simon Biggs and NF chairman Kevin Bryan. The collection raised over £200, to be split between the pub who kindly accomodated us at the last minute and put on a great buffet and with paying the transport costs of elderly members who had travelled a long way to give us their support.

All in all, the day was a resounding success for the National Front. The local people of Newcastle got to see and meet the NF and find out what we really stand for which is the opposite of the media/red propaganda and we distributed over 2,000 items of literature concerning the Muslim Child Grooming Epidemic blighting our land. The reds were humiliated with scarcely any of them to be seen and the police presence was minimal.

On Saturday May 10th 2014 we let the people of Newcastle know that the old party politicians, the social workers, the media and the police who are afraid to act against the whole horrifying Muslim Child Grooming Epidemic due to fears of offending political correctness and losing their fat salaries and lavish pension plans. We showed them that there are people who will not curl up and go away just because mentioning a threat to our children may offend ‘minorities’ and there are people who are prepared to fight for our children in the face of hostile elements and that those people are the National Front!

The National Front do not compromise over the 14 words.