UK: Taxpayers £150Million Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens

Daily Stormer
April 17, 2014

Invaders sneak into a lorry in France hoping to arrive in the promised land of Great Britain so they can steal someone else’s better life for themselves.

Even when the invaders do get caught illegally entering Britain, they still get everything paid for and stay in the country for years, at a cost of £100 a day each! That is over twice the average daily wage that a working Briton gets. The British tax payer pays for all their upkeep and pays for their return journey. The least that could be done is to make the country that they came from pay for the deportation, they might actually do something to try and prevent it then.

From the Express:

The true scale of Britain’s “open door” policy is laid bare in official figures showing how 16 individuals have fought deportation for so long their bed and board alone has cost £1.5million.

They have been detained for a combined 42 years – at a cost of £100 a day each – while officials and lawyers dither over expelling them from the country.

Three are in their fourth year of detention while the others are in their third year.

Shocking Home Office figures show more than 2,700 people were being held in secure units under immigration laws at the end of last year – mainly illegal immigrants or foreign criminals awaiting deportation.

Most are destined for Algeria, Iraq, Iran or Somalia.

The huge bill for holding ­suspected illegal immigrants in detention centres runs at ­£100million a year. Another £50million goes on deportations.

The taxpayer spends £100 a day on each one of these once they arrive at their destination.

Ukip head of policy Tim Aker said yesterday: “This is another sickening and costly episode that will disgust decent law-abiding taxpayers.

“This Government would rather send out distasteful poster wagons than deal with the illegal immigration issue itself by deporting those who are here ­illegally.”

Earlier this week we reported on chaotic scenes in Calais as at least 30 desperate migrants make a bolt for Britain every night.

A makeshift camp is filled with 500 refugees and mafia gangs charge thousands of pounds for a ­passage across the Channel.

It is thought that more than 11,000 attempts have been made on Britain’s borders in the past year alone.

Dia Chakravarty, of the ­TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “These statistics will rightly anger ­taxpayers.

Not only are hard-pressed ­families paying for costly deportation but they are also footing the bill for keeping people in detention who do not have the right to be in this country.

“The detainees also have a right to timely hearings.

“Dragging these cases out is in nobody’s interest.”

The Home Office said: “Hard-working people expect and deserve an immigration system that is fair and we are determined to crack down on immigration offenders.

“When we do detain people it is for the minimum time possible.”

They wouldnt even be able to write this if it wasn’t for the free education they have received.