UK: Teenage Male Runaway Befriends Paki, Gets Raped Twice

Mohammed Suman.

His first mistake was to befriend a Paki.

His second mistake was to walk through a park at night with the Paki.

His third mistake was to remain with the Paki when the Paki asked him – repeatedly – if he could masturbate into his anus.

Lots of unfortunate mistakes made here, that’s for sure.

The Bolton News:

A teenage runaway was raped twice by a man who befriended him in Bolton town centre.

The 15-year-old was left traumatised by the attacks on him, committed by Mohammed Suman, who he met on the town hall steps on the evening of July 2 last year.

At Bolton Crown Court Suman, who pleaded guilty to two counts of rape, was jailed for eight years. Judge Timothy Stead told him: “I am satisfied the effect on this child has been lasting and has been significant.”

He added: “The complainant had run away. As a 15-year-old, by himself in the middle of the night, he was vulnerable to the sort of thing that, in fact, happened to him.”

Juliet Berry told the court that the boy encountered Suman on the steps of the town hall and the 33-year-old offered him a cannabis joint. The teenager accepted, although he later told police it had made him dizzy.

The pair then went for a walk near Queens Park and behind Bolton Lads and Girls Club.

“The defendant asked for sex on a number of occasions and [the boy] repeatedly said no,” said Miss Berry.

But then Suman grabbed the boy, trapping him against a fence, pulled down his pants and raped him.

The boy managed to push Suman away and walked away through the park.

But then the teenager realised Suman was following him and began talking to him again.

“[The boy] told him to go away,” said Miss Berry but then added that Suman again raped the teenager.