UK: Territorial Black Man is Rejected by Woman, Gets Into His Car, Runs Over Her Friend

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2019

Black people in the United Kingdom continue to show the world that diversity is truly a strength, even though they’re exactly the same as any other British person. The only thing that changes is the color of their skin but not really, because blacks were already in ancient Britain too.

Yes. They wuz there.

The less you think about it, the more sense it makes.


A motorist is facing a lengthy prison sentence after being found guilty of knocking down another man in a row about a woman.

Michael Fasan, 29, had tried it on with Maddie Brencyz near a nightclub in Romford, Essex, but she hinted that she had a boyfriend.

They then parted ways but minutes later they crossed paths while Maddie was standing with her friend Aaron Josieh.

Fasan asked if Aaron was her boyfriend and he responded ‘what’s it got to do with you?’

Fasan responded by telling him: ‘This is my ends, bruv. This is my territory.’

The pair were separated before a fight could broke out but Fasan went to his car and started chasing Aaron near Kosho nightclub.

Footage showed a Ford Focus mount the pavement before returning and hitting a group of people on the pavement.

The car drove over Aaron and another friend of Maddie’s was thrown over the bonnet.

As the man apparently filming the clip repeats ‘he’s dead, he’s dead’, other terrified onlookers can be heard screaming and crying in the background.

‘It was sheer good fortune that no-one was killed and that Aaron Josieh and Antonia Saunders sustained somewhat limited injuries,’ Ms Nelson said.

Fasan insisted he was not behind the wheel but he was convicted of attempting to murder Mr Josieh and dangerous driving by the jury.

Blacks in Britain are just as territorial as any other black on the planet, even though Britain is not their land and even though British women are not their women.

It’s pretty hard for them to grasp the concept of property, especially the idea that other people have property, because they’re constantly bathed in gifts from white people. Blacks in Africa receive all kinds of humanitarian aid, trillions of dollars, vaccines and more. Blacks in our countries receive all kinds of social benefits and everything our ancestors had to work really hard to build, and they receive it for free.

After receiving so much for free, you can’t expect them to understand that some things are not theirs. They think everything is theirs.

Everything is about The Gibs.

We should be territorial too.

We should be way more territorial than them, because we actually have stuff to protect.

No one is giving us any gifts. We had to work very hard for everything we have. Our ancestors sacrificed more than what we can imagine today in the comfort of the world that they’ve built just so we could have it.

We’re the sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of the people who’ve built everything good we see all around us.

It’s time we start protecting everything they’ve made for us. Everything they fought and died for us to have.

Honor your ancestors.

Protect what’s yours.
