UK: “There’s a Mixed Race Guy Stabbing a White Guy – Seriously Dad”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 17, 2016


Lance Scott Walker… he’s no Syville Smith, I’ll tell you that. In fact, looking at his picture, I’d assume he deserved it.

No one has any question that vibrant diversity is the greatest of all joys. The entire planet agrees that the benefits of it, such as kebab stands, and… many other things, are so great that they are worth any price.

But then when it comes time to pay the price, people are like “yeah but they’re killing us all though.”

It’s disgusting.

As if they believe you can just get something for nothing in this world.

Daily Mail:

A man who was stabbed to death after ‘running for his life’ down a suburban street has been named as 18-year-old Lance Scott Walker.

Neighbours watched in horror as he was chased by his attacker after a fight broke out inside a property in Hayes, west London, yesterday afternoon.

The teenager collapsed and the attacker is said to have sat beside him and repeatedly stabbed him in the back as children looked on.

Another 18-year-old man, who police said knew the victim, was arrested nearby on suspicion of murder. He remains in custody in west London.

Neighbours today described Lance, who lived in nearby Gledwood Gardens, as a ‘kind, quiet boy’ who was ‘humble and polite’.

He has not yet been formally identified but police say they are confident the body belongs to him.

Father-of-two Gurdeep Chaggar, 47, said he ran out of his home to try and save the youngster’s life after his daughters, aged 11 and 12, told him what happened.

He said: ‘My daughters went out to get ice creams. They came back and ran up the stairs saying, ‘There’s a mixed race guy stabbing a white guy – seriously dad’.’

Mr Chaggar, a single father, said he stayed with the teenager until paramedics arrived.

Another witness, who did not want to be named, said she had initially thought the commotion was ‘just kids playing around’.

She said: ‘I wish I could have helped, I wish I could have done something.

‘The white boy was running for his life, a young white teenager, he was stabbed multiple times. The boy had his shirt off and he was covered in blood.’

The street was completely empty at the time but her screams brought residents out onto the street, she added. She said the other man allegedly walked off with the knife still in his hands.

Emergency services were called to the junction of Gledwood Gardens and Gledwood Drive shortly before 4pm on Monday.

Despite the efforts of paramedics, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

Scotland Yard said the argument started in a semi-detached home on Gledwood Gardens. It is believed the property is a half-way house for troubled teens.

Detectives from the Homicide and Major Crime Command led by Detective Chief Inspector Noel McHugh are investigating.

DCI McHugh said: ‘We are still in the early stages of our investigation and whilst we have a man in custody we still require the help of the public to understand the full facts which led to Lance’s death.

This no doubt has some relation to the ongoing mental health crisis which emerged this summer and for some unknown reason only affects non-Whites. It’s as if there is some racist reason for this mental health crisis. As if it is the result… of… oppression.

Because of the color of the skin.

What the cause, the solution simply could not be any more obvious: we need more money for them programs.
