UK: Top Dyke Police Chief Wants to Ban White Men From Police Force

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 26, 2018

This is one of those rare situations where I agree that worse can be better. 


Sara Thornton, head of Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), has said the law should be changed so forces can actively discriminate against white recruits in order to increase diversity.

Currently, discriminating against people in job recruitment on the basis of certain “protected characteristics”, including race, sex, and sexuality, is technically illegal under the Equality Act of 2010.

However, excluding certain people — generally white people, or at least white males — from supposed internships, even if they pay more than a typical working-class job, or deprioritising them from training schemes or workshops designed to boost employment prospects, is allowable under the act’s so-called “positive action” provisions.

There’s a reason that the police used to employ brown people to police other brown people.

If you are being policed by people who don’t look anything like you or who don’t understand your cultural mores, you start treating the police as an occupation force and start refusing to cooperate. Smart civilization-planners figured out long ago that you have to draw from the local community if you want to have an effective police force.

I am thankful for idiot bulldykes like this police chief barging in and ruining the effective system of life support that keeps the whole thing chugging along.

I wonder how White Britons are going to react to Moslems with bizarre accents showing up to their door and getting all up in their personal space.

This can go one of two ways:

  1. Something innate is triggered in the average Briton when he sees that he is being bossed around by people that look nothing like him and have a barely concealed contempt for him. (Although to be fair, most police officers have a barely concealed contempt for average citizens even now.)
  2. This goes the South Africa route, where the police participate in punitive raids against White farmers by criminal black gangs and the average Briton still does nothing.

Now, when I talk about “doing something” I don’t mean millions of Britons spontaneously running out onto the front porch with their combat spoons drawn and ready to overthrow the government/launch Race War.

Ideally, communities will start by simply organizing their own town watches/neighborhood patrols. Because of growing normie discontent with the police, the idea will be supported by both Labor, Tory and third party voters alike who first and foremost don’t want to see their home lose its real estate value because of rampant vandalism and crime.

And then, in second order of importance, people want their kids to be safe and not kidnapped/turned into kebab by Paki rape gangs.

Despite these groups’ protests to the contrary, the media will go to war and smear these neighborhood watch groups popping up all over Britain as “White Supremacist” organizations. Refusing to back down, and supported by the community, these organizations will begin to refuse to cooperate with the police, citing concerns about the personnel – many of whom are former Moslem terrorists and convicted child diddlers.

Bit by bit, these safe zones will begin to attract White Britons fleeing crime and in search of “better schools” and the territory along the patrol route of these friendly neighborhood watch groups increases. Former badge-niggers who were fired for not being anti-White enough will begin to join up, offering their expertise… for a price, of course. Army dropouts will join in and even the local NEETs will crawl out of their basements for some sunlight and exercise. These neighborhoods will begin to improve. Union Jacks and English flags will start to proudly flutter in the streets and out of windows.

But the Occupation government will start talking about the need to shut down these “right-wing terror camps festering in the heart of Britain” and will start preparing an operation to restore Multi-Kulti control.

A showdown will loom as the entire UK waits with bated breath to see what will happen next…


I think this is actually a realistic if perhaps a bit optimistic scenario.

And if you’re wondering how I came up with it, all I did was take the migrant’s preferred takeover strategy in Sweden and reverse-engineer it for White Britons.

By the way, people who say, “the worse the better” are quoting Lenin and not as smart as they think they are.

Lenin had a network of high-placed sympathizers, a political party and the financial support of the German Army High Command.

Needless to say, the average White Briton does not have any of that. 

“Worse is better” only when you have a plan, and are exploiting the chaos to advance your own agenda.

Most of the time, worse is just worse.

But hey, being able to quote obscure historical tidbits is enough to convince the low-IQ that you’re smart, so that’s why some people go ahead and do just that. But being able to rote-memorize a few phrases uttered by famous revolutionaries does not a master revolutionary make. Even my little fantasy LARP took more brain cells and IQ power than memorizing the phrase, “the worse the better” and arguing for “accelerationism” – whatever that means.

A C C E L E R A T I O N I S M in action.

Just sayin’.

Put some effort into your DOTR fantasy scenarios. They should be at least as realistic as what I was able to cook up one lazy overcast afternoon after browsing Breitbart and /pol/.