UK: Top Moslem Lawyer Says “British” Moslems View ISIS as “Pop Stars”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2015

Relax, goyim.  We just need community programs or whatever ROFLMAO.
Relax, goyim. We just need community programs or whatever ROFLMAO.

Just to put this in context, there are certain Moslems who support violent conquest of the West, and certain others who see the levels of immigration and say “look guys, we’ve got this, just chill and we’re gonna keep pressing for limitless immigration. No need to attack. Their base will be ours in a matter of decades.”

This lawyer is of the latter group.

The Guardian:

Hundreds of British teenagers are in danger of being radicalised by Islamic State (Isis) because they see the terrorists as “pop idols”, the country’s leading Muslim prosecutor has said.

Nazir Afzal believes that recent departures to Syria show that “many more children” are at risk of what he terms “jihadimania” than was previously thought.

“The boys want to be like them and the girls want to be with them,” he said. “That’s what they used to say about the Beatles and more recently One Direction and Justin Bieber. The propaganda the terrorists put out is akin to marketing, and too many of our teenagers are falling for the image.

“They see their own lives as poor by comparison, and don’t realise they are being used. The extremists treat them in a similar way to sexual groomers – they manipulate them, distance them from their friends and families, and then take them.”

Afzal, who has just stepped down as head of the Crown Prosecution Service in the north-west, said he fears that “another 7/7” could happen unless Britain introduces a community-led approach to counter-terrorism.

Afzal claims the current strategy relies almost entirely on police and the security services. “It is stale and repetitive and goes only to the usual suspects and the usual charities in our communities.

“I know from experience that the police are often reduced to holding endless meetings with so-called community leaders who represent no one but themselves. This is a new dawn in terrorism and so we need a new dawn in the ways we tackle it.”

Yes, of course. It is the supporters themselves that are the victims. That makes sense, right, goyim? Listen to this brown man, as he is an expert on the behaviors of brown people, and he will help you keep from getting slaughtered by these people you have brought into your country for no clear reason who now wish to slaughter you.

Follow his plan and do whatever kind of community building nonsense he is alluding to, and we can promise you you won’t get slaughtered on the streets by these agents of vibrancy and enrichment.