UK: UKIP Banned From University for Holding “Extremist Views”

March 18, 2014

Despite being the most popular political party in Britain at the moment, UKIP are banned from speaking at Derby University.

UKIP has been banned from speaking to students ahead of the European elections because it’s members hold “extremist views”.

In a remarkable move, Derby University Student’s Union has failed to lift the veto despite a poll showing it was on course to win the largest share of the vote.

Nigel Farage’s party has been outlawed because “students had a right to feel safe while studying on campus”, the governing body said.

The union, which represents 21,000 students, acted after receiving a handful of complaints about the party’s policies on immigration.

Individuals from organisations like the English Defence League and BNP are understandably barred for “racist, fascist or extremists views” as part of the National Union of Students No Platform policy.

But the block on Ukip in the Midlands, first introduced in 2012, is because the party wants to repeal the Human Rights Act and repatriate powers from Brussels.

Last night a ComRes opinion poll showed Ukip in the lead on 30 per cent ahead of Labour on 28 per cent, the Conservatives on 21 per cent and the Liberal Democrats on 8 per cent.

UKIP have been classed as ‘Extremists’ alongside groups such as Anjem Choudhary’s Al-Muhajiroun.

A separate poll revealed the party was on course to win 16 per cent of the vote at next year’s General Election.

Derby University hosts regular speeches and hustings for election candidates.

But the ban means no Ukip representative can speak at the university – formerly Derby College of Art and Technology – ahead of the crunch Euro elections in May.

It also puts Ukip in the same category as Al-Muhajiroun, Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the Muslim Public Affairs Committee.

The party’s director of communications, Patrick O’Flynn, said: “This ban was always absurd and is now more absurd than ever in the light of opinion polls showing how popular Ukip has become.

“There is nothing extreme about Ukip. We are a mainstream political party that just happens to believe to believe in controlled immigration.

“The extremists in this case are the so-called liberal left who, when unable to defeat an opponent by force of argument, seek to ban that opponent.”

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